Contact Us
All events at Sabor a Pasion are by reservation only.
If you would like to know more about the property please call before you visit. An appointment needs to be made to tour the property for weddings and events. Unscheduled visitors will be turned away. We do not do wine tastings.
(Private Property. No Trespassing. You must have a reservation or be a guest of an event to enter the property.)
Centrally located 2 hours from Dallas, 2 1/2 hours from The Woodlands and 3 1/2 hours from Austin, we make a relaxing escape from the city or a convenient meeting place for family and friends.
When trying to find us please drive slowly and watch your odometer. It is advised that you print directions from this site or use Google Maps and search for Sabor a Pasion Estate & Vineyard rather than the address. Many GPS systems have trouble with the address.
We are 4 miles north of Palestine Loop 256, not far from Downtown and Old Town, on the corner of ACR 404 and ACR 406.
From Palestine Loop 256:
Take N. Link Street (FM 3309) north approx. 1 mile to the fork in the road. You will pass Davey Dogwood Park on your left. After the park, stay left at the fork. The road turns into ACR 403. Travel 0.3 mile to ACR 404. Look for the blue Sabor a Pasion sign. Turn right onto ACR 404. Travel 2.9 miles to ACR 406 - Look for the Sabor a Pasion sign at the front of the property. Turn left and enter the driveway.
From the Tyler area:
Take Hwy 155 South, past Frankston, to FM 321 toward Montalba. (This turn off will happen approx. 12 miles south of Frankston.) Turn right onto FM 321. Travel 5 miles to ACR 404. Turn left. (The sign for ACR 404 is difficult to see. Look for a sign for Concord Cemetery on the right side of the road.) After turning left onto 404, travel 2.1 miles to ACR 406. Look for the Sabor a Pasion sign at the front of the property. Turn right and then right into the driveway.
From Dallas area:
Take I-45 South to Corsicana. Watch for signs to Palestine at 287 East and exit. Take 287 East for aprox. 43 miles. After going through the small town of Cayuga, begin looking for the sign to FM 321. Turn left on 321. Stay on 321 for 11 miles (You will go through the intersection at HWY19). Then turn right on ACR 404. Please pay attention to directions on your map app or your odometer so you don't miss the turn. Stay on 404 for 2.2 miles. You will see the Sabor a Pasion property and sign on the right. Turn right onto ACR 406 and into the driveway.
From the South/Houston area:
Take I-45 North to Buffalo. Exit Highway 79 and turn right. Travel NE to Palestine, approx. 30 miles. Turn left at Loop 256 and travel approx. 3.5 miles to stop light at Link St (FM 3309).
Turn left on Link St. and travel north approx. 1 mile to the fork in the road. You will pass Davey Dogwood Park on your left. After the park, stay left at the fork. The road turns into ACR 403. Travel 0.3 mile to ACR 404. Look for the blue Sabor a Pasion sign. Turn right onto. Travel 2.9 miles to ACR 406 - Look for the Sabor a Pasion sign at the front of the property. Turn left and enter the driveway.
Contact Us
Phone: 903.729.9500
(Call between 8am & 8pm)
Email simon@saborapasion.com
Sabor a Pasion Estate & Vineyard
110 An County Road 406
Palestine, TX 75803
For best results, use Google Maps when trying to find us & search for Sabor a Pasion Estate & Vineyard, rather than the actual address.